November 8, 2011
Today's Urban Demo DilemmaCompetition Forces The Re-Definition Of Product Urban stations, particularly Urban Adult-formatted ones, have become part of a complicated format lately. Strategies for future success vary widely. What's the feasibility of evolving the average age of Urban AC stations' ...
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November 1, 2011
Massaging The Music FreaksConsistency Is Still Key For several years now, I've been talking about the "music freaks." Who are they and why are they important? They are everywhere. They are those listeners who selfishly only use radio as a music source. They just want to hear their own personal ...
October 25, 2011
The Secret Of Longer Listening SpansFlow & Consistency Are Key Urban formats have survived a wave of new technology, a new rating measurement system, a sick economy and owners who simply want to cut costs. The format's storied past is as vivid as it is memorable. Now as we begin to wind down 2011 we want ...
October 18, 2011
Urban Radio -- Poised For ChangeArbitron Awareness & Generational Differences To compete effectively, Urban radio will have to continue to innovate and expand its products for both consumers and advertisers. New platforms, online mobile and HD, as well as new content traffic, on-demand video ...
October 11, 2011
Effective DaypartingCultivate The Core And Non-Core At one time, Urban and Urban AC stations owned a nice chunk of the radio real estate and were keepers of an avid, loyal audience. Lately, in a few markets, that has changed. Skeptics say the format is in trouble and blame PPM, technology ...
October 4, 2011
The PPM EvolutionIt's Still An Image-Based Game Why do some programmers believe Arbitron's PPM is good for Urban radio while others are convinced that its small sample often under represents their true audience? For one thing, those that believe it's good are excited about new PPM ...
September 27, 2011
Tackling Tune-OutsEliminating Clutter One thing that hasn't changed with the advent of Arbitron's PPM is what listeners dislike most about their favorite radio station. The biggest complaints and the ones that can cause huge tune-outs are still clutter and repetition. Yes, there could be ...
September 20, 2011
Urban Radio's Need For InnovationRadio Is Still An Art Form From its inception, this column has taken on ambitious goals. Simply put, to use all our resources, background and experience to spread knowledge and inform our readers in the pursuit of finding solutions. It's also about holding the mirror and ...
September 13, 2011
As We Shape Our Tools Our Tools Shape UsDeferred Gratification Still Works Now that fall's here, it's time to adjust. Remember, there are people who still visit friends and relatives especially on the weekends. Because of this, you potentially have lots of people who could cume your station on a regular ...
September 6, 2011
"The Leader's Advantage"How Do You Prioritize? It's clear that some of us learned some things and grew some this year. We had no choice. A few of us even got some real accomplishments under our belts. There are still big challenges ahead, though. Our ultimate vision of this brave new media ...