If Today Were The Last Day Of My Life
January 22, 2019
Have an opinion? Add your comment below. I don't think we ask this of ourselves often enough. It partly explains what is happening within our industry now. Fear is part of that, too, of course, and that fear is justified. But ultimately, this is about us, you and me, and how we choose to use the limited time any of us has here. If today is the last day of your life, how do you want to spend it? What do you want to say to your listeners?
I don't think we ask this of ourselves often enough.
It partly explains what is happening within our industry now. Fear is part of that, too, of course, and that fear is justified.
But ultimately, this is about us, you and me, and how we choose to use the limited time any of us has here.
If today is the last day of your life, how do you want to spend it?
What do you want to say to your listeners?
What do you want to say to those you most love?
What do you want your life to have meant?